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Region Timor Leste - [tls]    Query Definition     Keyword search (slow)
Select events and geographic units, and set the options that specify the disasters you want to query:
 Disaster type    Municipio    Posto Administrativo    Suco    Cause
Use Ctrl-Click and/or Shift-Click to deselect or for multiple selections. If no selections are made, all items will be selected.
NOTE: Selections of Posto Administrativo have precedence over selections of Municipio
Select only events with:
Deaths... Injured...
Houses Destroyed... Houses Damaged...
Directly affected... Indirectly Affected...
Evacuated... Relocated...
Hospitals... Missing...
Damages in roads Mts... Damages in crops Ha....
Lost Cattle... Education centers...
Select events that affected:
 Water supply  Sewerage
 Health sector  Education
 Industries  Transportation
 Communications  Power and Energy
 Relief  Agriculture
 Other sectors
  Date range: (YYYY MM DD)
From:       To:       GLIDEnumber

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